Audrey Wong

Certified Massage Therapist

Welcome to the realm of healing touch, guided by the expertise of Audrey Wong, a seasoned Certified Massage Therapist with over 25 years of dedicated practice. Audrey specializes in medical massage therapy and orthopedic manual therapy, offering a transformative experience for those seeking relief from pain or enhanced mobility.

A Legacy of Healing

Trained over two decades ago, Audrey brings a wealth of knowledge and a commitment to holistic well-being. Her passion lies in addressing the unique needs of individuals, guiding them towards a path of rejuvenation and improved functionality. 

Modalities Tailored to You

Audrey's approach is multifaceted, incorporating a diverse range of modalities to tailor each session to your specific needs. Her toolkit includes:

Myofascial Release

Neuromuscular Therapy

Positional Release Therapy

Hendrickson Method Soft Tissue and Joint Mobilization Therapy

Cranial Sacral Therapy

Neuro- and Visceral-Manipulation Therapies

Restoring Functional Flow

Audrey's primary goal is to restore functional flow to each individual. Whether you are dealing with chronic pain, limited range of motion, or simply seeking a rejuvenating experience, Audrey's expertise is geared towards providing relief and facilitating your body's natural healing processes.

Experience the Difference

Step into a session with Audrey Wong, where expertise meets compassion. Experience the soothing power of therapeutic touch, meticulously crafted to address your unique wellness goals.